Thursday, 10 September 2009

Action 30: Bake something for a friend

This is so simple. If I ever need to thank a group of people I will always bake them something, because generally the share better than gift vouchers do. So today I needed to thank all the staff at Early Learning Centre for their help with my fundraising. There was no other option but to make flapjacks. I'm now immortalised in a drawing on the staff room wall as 'Joe - the flapjack man'. And that makes me feel special, because it means people appreciate them. Which is good becuase really it's the only thing I can cook apart from scabbled eggs and cheese toastie - what a brilliant menu that would make for Come Dine With Me. And I didn't need to leave my house and go into town and spend ages trying ot find a present, or even spend money really coz I just stole all the ingredients from the kitchen. I even enjoyed it a little.

So I'm probably going to regret saying this now, I think I'm already regretting it as I type. But, if you want me to bake you something, I will. I can't promise it will be amazing or even tasty, but it will be made with care and love and I think they're pretty good ingredients. So if you want me to bake you something, just tell me what and it may take me some time, but I will do it.

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