Monday, 7 September 2009

Action 20: Find out how your money is invested

Now in "Change the World for a Fiver" (the first of three books that this and all other actions are taken from) it wants you to ask your pension provider "Can you ensure that my investments don't harm the planet or hurt my fellow man?". I don't have a pension fund, I doubt any of us under 20 have one. So I got a bit more individual with this action.

Disney Store now charge 5p for a plastic bag. Not that I ever get one, because I always have my reuseable Disney bag with me. Marks and Spencer do the same for food bags these days and saw it said all money went to Gronudworks Environment Charity. So I thought to myself, I love Disney, I need to email them just to check I love their policy on plastic bags.

And three working days later I got a reply, although she was a girl called Chloe not a guy called Mickey. But she said: "1p from every bag sold is donated to 'The Woodland Trust' charity and I would also like to stress that no profite is made from the sale of these bags." And she was happy to hear I take my bag with me everywhere.

So pick something you bought, something you've invested in to think about how much you paid for it and where that money goes. It may be a banana or a CD or finding out more about a charity donation you made or where some of your tax goes. But just do a teeny bit of research and try and get some idea about it. And when you find out you don't like it, then that's the time to tell people you don't and why you don't and that you're taking your business elsewhere.

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