This is a super easy action, even easier than decling plastics bags. And it won't just change the world and save the planet, it will save a life too. 90% of people support it but only 18% have actually signed up as an organ donor.
Well I can testify it really is really easy to do. Takes like 2 minutes. 2 minutes isn't alot to potentially be a life saver. OK maybe 3 - 2 minutes to do the registraion online and an extra minute to tell your Mum and Dad about the wonderful thing you did, just so they know that if the day comes when they're asked what you would have wanted, they know.
So why don't you do it now. all you have to do is click here to visit the UK Transplant website and then you're already halfway there. Also you get a nice litte letter in the post a week or so after, which is good anyway coz I always like getting post. And this is amazing post because you open it and and think "Oh yeah, thats the amazing thing I did a few days ago" and you give a little smile :)
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